Obituaries Related to "Herrera" from New York Times Archive
Hailey Herrera, 25, Dies; Therapy Student Focused on Families
She was especially dedicated to working with Latino patients — and to organizing social events for friends.
Ernestina Herrera de Noble, Media Mogul in Argentina, Dies at 92
Ms. Herrera de Noble, the publisher of Clarín, was instrumental in creating one of the largest media conglomerates in the Spanish-speaking world.
Luis Herrera Campíns, Venezuela Leader, Dies at 82
Mr. Herrera Campíns was a former president whose years in office were marked by bountiful oil riches and a painful economic bust when oil prices plunged in the early 1980s.
Paid Notice: Deaths HERRERA, MARCO
HERRERA--Marco, June 23, 1914 to August 31, 2006. Remember him with laughter and not tears. Salude Marquito! A mejores tiempos.
Angel Cardinal Herrera Dies; Former Bishop of Malaga, 81
Cardinal Herrera y Oria dies; was 81
EN. A, HERRERA, CUBAN EX:LE '.ER; War Secretary Who SerV'eo as' President for Few When MacHado Fled Dies
Herrera y Franchi, Alberto
ENEMY IN RETREAT, SAY PARAGUAYANS; Bolivians Are Pushed Back at Herrera, With Loss of 206 Killed, Asuncion Reports. 6,000 NANAWA CASUALTIES La Paz Reports 3,000 of Foe Dead There -- Regime Calls for Congressional Elections Next May.
Bolivians reptd pushed back at Herrera; 6,000 casualties at Nanawa
CUBAN ENVOY TO PARIS DIES; Dr. Ricardo Herrera y Guiral Ar- rived There Only a Month Ago.
ARCHBISHOP HERRERA DEAD; Mexican Prelate in Monterey to Be Buried Without Public Services,
HERRERA, BOXER, DIES.; Mexican, Once Famous as Feather-weight, Passes in San Francisco.
Latest NY Times Obituaries

C. Richard Kramlich, Early Investor in Silicon Valley, Dies at 89
He was among the first backers of Apple Computer and 3Com, earning windfalls, but it was his humaneness that distinguished him from other venture capitalists.

Susan Alcorn, Voyager on Pedal Steel Guitar, Dies at 71
With a daring avant-garde approach, she pushed the frontiers of an instrument best known for speaking with a down-home accent.

Irv Gotti, Streetwise Hip-Hop Music Mogul, Dies at 54
A founder of Murder Inc. Records, he helped launch the careers of Ja Rule and Ashanti and was credited as a producer on 28 records that made the Billboard Hot 100.

Valérie André, Daring French Army Copter Pilot, Dies at 102
She was the first woman to fly rescue missions in a combat zone, in Indochina and Algeria. She was also the first Frenchwoman to become an army general.

Paul Plishka, Prolific Soloist at the Met, Dies at 83
Known for his liquid bass tones and flawless diction, he appeared in 88 roles, many of them comic, over 1,672 performances at the Metropolitan Opera.

Ernest Drucker, Public-Health Advocate for the Scorned, Dies at 84
He marshaled epidemiological research to press for changes in drug policy, alternatives to prison and needle-exchange programs to slow the spread of AIDS.
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